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Redefining Play: The Impact of Serious Gaming on Illiteracy

“Redefining Play: The Impact of Serious Gaming on Illiteracy” is an inspiring session by Jasper Müller, in which he draws from his experience in serious games to demonstrate gaming’s potential to address illiteracy. Through insightful interactions and demonstrations, Jasper not only enhances understanding of illiteracy, but also inspires participants to be part of the solution in this global issue.

Speaker Bio

If there’s one thing Jasper is, it’s innovative. He continuously challenges himselfby trying out new things. Serious Games are the perfect way to let others experience the excitement of trying out something new. With a background as a Data Scientist at Eneco Innovation & Ventures and an MSc in Aerospace Engineering, Jasper has a knack for all things new, fresh, and effective.

This passion elevates our serious games to the next level. He’s always looking for new and effective ways to make an impact. In doing so, he don’t lose sight of one of the most important aspects of serious games: having fun! When he’s not revolutionizing gaming, you’ll find themoutdoors; either cycling or running – always off the beaten path – soaking in the beauty of nature.