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Connecting the Dots: My Journey into Serious Game Audio

Clients and leads in the Serious Games branche often view audio as an afterthought, recognizing its importance for game quality and player experience but struggling with early implementation in their development process.

This talk will outline the journey from a storytelling enthusiast to the co-founder of Auris Media, a game audio studio focused on serious games and purposeful audio design.

Speaker Bio

Michel sang Disney before he could walk. Now he composes orchestral music and writes soundtracks for games. After almost becoming a screenwriter, psychologist, actor and dive instructor, in 2019 he ended up founding Auris Media, a one-stop-shop for game audio.

With their main focus now being Applied Games, his passions for music, storytelling and psychology come together. Next to running his business, he spends his time either teaching, learning, listening to music, salsa dancing or exploring books about music and psychology.