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Minecraft serious game: building a digital twin of the Netherlands

The science centre GeoFort build the whole of the Netherlands in Minecraft: 1.000 buillion Minecraft blocks! Every house, all the roads, the rivers and even the trees are in this digital 3D world. This is not a silly game: it is a serious game! In this environment young people can easily participate in designing new sustainable buildings or landscapes. In the nearby future they will also be able to experience flooding scenarios in this digital twin of the Netherlands. GeoFort is a science centre where children from 4 till 104 years can explore many themes dealing with the future of our planet by playing games. GeoFort turns the theme ‘planetary health’ into a challenging game…

Speaker Bio

Willemijn studied cartography and GIS at the University of Utrecht and obtained her master degree in 1996. Since 2006 she is founder and CEO of the science center GeoFort. Her passion is to inspire people about the future of the planet earth. GeoFort has won two international prizes, because of the special way visitors are involved. She made a success formula for this educational attraction using 3 senses: Sense of Fun, Sense of Experience and Sense of Urgency.