Alternative Modes of Play – Creating moments of curiosity, connection and playfulness

“Have you ever played a game on a trampoline, held hands with another person to make geometric shapes together or used your tongue to get a highscore?”

In the past decade the alt.ctrl movement has inspired game developers and artists from different fields to create alternative ways of playing with the world, with games and with each other, bridging the worlds of art, technology, design and games.

In this talk Zuraida will take you on a journey through several of these projects, festivals and playful experiences.

Speaker Bio

Zuraida Buter is a playful arts curator based in Amsterdam. Under the banner of zo-ii, she curates, consults and documents events, exhibitions and projects focused on playful arts, digital culture and games. Working on different local and international projects and events has given her the opportunity to highlight and connect a wide range of different (game) projects and artists throughout the years. In 2020 she was awarded the Game Changer award by IndieCade (US).

She is currently the program curator for A MAZE. / Berlin (DE). She also works with Sickhouse (NL) on projects such as The Overkill Festival and SickProd, a mentorship program for young studios.