Discover icoon


Online discover showcase | june 17th 2022

Have your game streamed to a large international audience and compete for the INDIGO 2022 Award brought to by our partner Xsolla! The Xsolla prizepool consists of a monetary prize of $5,000 and many added non-monetary services for the winner. Xsolla will also provide grants for all participants in the showcase and extra grants for selected companies. 

Scroll down for submission guidelines.


Submission guidelines

The INDIGO Discover Showcase takes place online on June 17th and features over 20 games from the Netherlands and beyond, presented to an international audience in a day-long Twitch stream. Selected games compete for the INDIGO Award, accompanied with a monetary and non-monetary prize brought to you by Xsolla.

Stream info

The Discover Showcase stream will be streamed live from the Dotslash Campus in Utrecht on June 17th, 2022. A developer from your team joins one of our streamers in the INDIGO studio in Utrecht (NL) for a 30 minute live playing session. During the session, there is room to talk about your game and answer questions.

Submission documents

  • A playable build of your game;
  • Thumbnail, 400×400;
  • 3 screenshots, 800×800;
  • 3 screenshots, 1920×1080;
  • Gameplay clip or promovideo (private YouTube link preferred);

Submission guidelines

  • Your game has to be playable during a livestream on Twitch;
  • Submission deadline is April 24th, 24:00 hrs;
  • You can pre-register by sending a clip of your game, but make sure to get your first build in by April 24th; 
  • After selection we expect your final build by May 27th;
  • Attendance on-site in Utrecht during your streaming slot is required to participate;

Participation fee

For selected participants, the fee to participate is € 75,- (ex. VAT and Eventbrite service fee). This includes 1 All Access pass to the event, which grants access to the MeetToMatch platform (on-site and online), our Talks Conference, lunch and access to the INDIGO Vault after the event.

INDIGO Award prize by Xsolla

Each year the best game of the showcase is selected by industry judges and awarded with the INDIGO Award. Besides exposure for your game on all Dutch Game Garden and INDIGO channels, our partner Xsolla will provide the winner with a monetary prize of $5,000 and added non-monetary services. Furthermore, all participants will receive a 500 USD credit line from the Xsolla Partner Network and all selected participants will receive access to Xsolla’s core services.

Read all details of the Xsolla prizepool here.


    In the months leading up to INDIGO 2023 you'll receive a monthly update on the TALKS conference program, new DISCOVER showcasers, and new companies and publishers on the MEETTOMATCH platform. After INDIGO, we will delight you regularly with some after fun and ofcourse you will be the first to hear INDIGO news.


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    Communications Manager

    Reach out to me for info about INDIGO, press and interview requests!

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    Tom Jongens

    Sales Manager

    Looking to promote your company, services, or game towards game industry professionals?

    Reach out to me then and we'll set up a call!  

    JP van Seventer

    Program Manager

    Do you have professional knowledge to share about game development or business and do you want to be part of the leading game developer conference in the BENELUX? 

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